Healthy Eating Policy

  1. Policy
    1. It is the policy of Early Days Crèche and Day Care Centre to promote the health and well-being of children through prevention of illness, encouraging take-up and completion of immunisation programme and development checks, and supporting all aspects of the physical, emotional, moral and spiritual health of the children in our care. 
    1. We will comply with all legislation regarding food hygiene, registration and training, to include the following:
  • The Child Care Act 1991
  • The Child Care (Pre-school Services) Regulation 1991
  • I.S. 340 Hygiene and Catering Requirements
  • E.C Hygiene of Foodstuff Regulation 2000


  1. Procedure
    1. At Early Days we promote and encourage an active play by providing the following
    2. Opportunity for outdoor play
    3. To give active classes such as gym and dance
    4. To have expert speakers come to talk to parents on the importance of a healthy diet, exercise, immunisations and other health issues.
    5. To ensure that staff are giving training on all the above to implements good practice in the crèche and to support parents and children
    6. To ensure that the curriculum is stimulating the development of each child’s moral, emotional and general well being.
  1. Infection Control Procedure
    1. Children or adults with heavy colds or coughs should not attend the facility
    2. Children or adults who have been vomiting or who have had diarrhoea should not attend the facility.
    3. Any child that develops diarrhoea or vomiting while at the crèche, parent will be contacted to remove the child so there is not an out break within the crèche.
    4. Any child who has three running nappies before coming to the crèche or at the crèche will ask the parent to remove the child from the facility.
    5. Children/adults with infectious diseases should not attend the facility.
    6. A dated notice will be displayed in the reception areas informing all parents/guardians that there has been outbreak of contagious conditions.  They’ll also be informed verbally.
    7. Early days will pay for all care workers to be immunised against infectious diseases.
    8. If a child becomes ill at the facility the parents /guardian will be contacted by a care assistant
    9. Head louse infestation is contagious and if noticed in the facility, it will be brought to the attention of the parent straight away.
    10. Children will be monitored closely after any immunisation to monitor any changes.  Care worker will inform parent to ensure two way communications.
  2. Healthy Eating


    1. Early Days will establish healthy eating patterns, with a strong emphasis on the social aspect of mealtimes.
      • Parents/guardians will be consulted regarding a child special requirements or food allergies
    1. Early Days will only used fresh, nutritious food and will ensure that the diet is well balance across all the food groups.
    2. Children are not allowed to bring sweets, crisps, nuts, chewing gum on site.  Any treats will be provided by the service, a health option chosen.  The crèche will consult with parents on healthy options.
    3. Milk will be full cream and pasteurised.
    4. The owner is responsible for ensuring that the facility is up to date on all current legislation regarding additives etc in food items.
    5. Each child individual dietary needs will be met taking into consideration allergies, religious, medical or cultural backgrounds.  The key worker and any other member of staff that looks after the child will be informed of a child’s dietary needs.
    6. A flexible approach will be adapted to meal /snack times to ensure that all children’s needs are been met throughout the day.
    7. There will always be adult’s supervisor on all snacks and meals.
    8. The care assistants will sit with the group of children to help good eating habits, to help with conversations and enhance good interaction.
    9. Parents/guardians will be told if there is any vary in the child’s eating or drinking habits.
    10. The crèche will operate a cultural day a quarter where the children will get to taste food from other parts of the world.
    11. Menus will be displayed in the reception areas on a daily basis.  A list of meals that will be provided over a month will be listed in advance.
    12. The crèche will encourage breastfeeding for babies and where possible offer advice.
    13. The crèche will work in conjunction with the parent in relation to the weaning process and following guidelines from HSE.
    14. The crèche will follow the food pyramid to ensure that each group of children are receiving the required nutrient on a daily basis.
    15. The crèche will try and be imaginary on how we present food to children to encourage healthy eating.
    16. Care assistants will tell children the importance of healthy eating.
  1. Food Purchases
    1. All food will be purchased from reputable dealers where they meet all HSE requirements.
    2. No food that is passed it “best before” date will be used or purchased.
    3. All labels will be checked for ingredients content to check for nut, etc to avoid any allergies we are aware off.
    4. That all cold food is kept cold during delivery
    5. There will be limited use of processed food in the crèche.


  1. Food Preparation
    1. We have implemented the HACCP system in our kitchen.


  1. Safety
    1. All children in highchairs must wear the safety harness at all times.
    2. Children will always be supervised when eating.
    3. Children are not allowed in the kitchen area.
    4. Food temperatures will be checked before the food is given to children.
  1. Immunisation Policy


    1. All immunisations must be recorded on the booking form and child record card.          The parents/guardians of a child that is not immunised will be asked to contact the Public Health nurse for advice and information.

Signed:        ___________________________

Dated:         ____________________________